Interaktives Kartenmodul

inwebco / inwebco ibexa / Page Builder Features / Interaktives Kartenmodul

Your creativity knows no limits! With our map module you have full control over the appearance of your map. Choose from different icons and colors to easily distinguish content and ensure an appealing presentation. With legends you can easily explain the meaning of symbols or colors and further enhance the user experience.

Guide to the Interactive Map Module

Our map, your customization! You can choose from different map providers like Google Maps and OpenStreetMap and customize the map style to fit your website needs. Zoom in or out, move the map around and discover different locations or regions. With linked content, you can allow users to go directly to the content they want from the map.

Kartenstil Interaktive-Karte

Kartenstil Interaktive Karte Nacht

Kartenstil Interaktive Karte google

Kartenstil Interaktive Karte Retro

The map module of inwebco offers not only impressive visual features, but also a seamless integration into your website. You can integrate additional features like filters, search functions or interaction possibilities to further enhance the user experience.

Seamless integration with your website

Bring your website to life with inwebco's Interactive Map Module and offer your users an engaging and informative experience. Discover the possibilities and let your creativity run wild! Contact us today and let us help you enrich your website with our innovative map solution!

  • Interaktives Kartemodul Tour

  • Interaktives Kartemodul Tour Eigenschaften

Discover countless adventures in our interactive map module! Thanks to our handy interface, you can now easily import your personal tours and experience the beauty of nature. From starting point to elevation profile - all important data is there! Explore fascinating landscapes and choose from historical, cultural or scenic tours.

inwebco eZ Platform / Page Builder Erweiterung
inwebco ibexa / Page Builder Extension
We have used the accumulated experience of our projects and extended ibexa and Page Builder with some powerful improvements. These range from the implementation of common technologies, to the optimization of configurations or technical developments.
inwebco ibexa / Page Builder